What We Do

Contract Sourcing
You need more qualified talent pipelines. Let Beacon Lane build them for you.
Building your talent pipeline is the number one way to improve hiring outcomes. Whether you have sourcers on your team and you need increased bandwidth or you don’t have any dedicated sourcers, Beacon Lane can help.
Contract sourcing enables you scale up and down quickly using expert sourcers from our team. Clients have anywhere from one to 15 Beacon Lane sourcers at any given time, depending on hiring demand.
Our sourcers are an integral part of your team, engaging with recruiters and hiring managers on a regular basis and delivering qualified, interested slates of candidates.
We have sourced for almost every industry — from finance, marketing, and accounting to healthcare, business operations, and IT — and continually far exceed expectations.
What sets us apart from from other organizations is our:
- level of business acumen and experience (we are a group of seasoned professionals)
- focus on metrics and stakeholder experience
- depth of expertise to help improve recruiting processes for long-term sustainability
- ability to quickly acclimate to your organization as an extension of your team
- commitment to the highest level of quality in everything we do

Recruiting Optimization
Recruiting is fast paced and many recruiting functions are “tired.” Elevating your recruiting outcomes often starts with a vision and strategy. That’s where Beacon Lane comes in.
Recruiting optimization begins with a diagnostic of your function. We examine every aspect of your recruiting process, measure the effectiveness of your recruitment programs, rethink your recruiting org structure, and assess the efficacy of your tech stack.
The outcome is a forward-thinking strategy of the absolute highest caliber. We focus on scalability, cost, automation, transparency, and elimination of key-person risk and inefficiencies.
Typical client outcomes include an increase in throughput by over 30%, cost-savings opportunities up to 55%, and positive trending related to critical recruiting metrics.
What you will get with a Beacon Lane diagnostic:
- 18-month, C-suite-ready, talent acquisition strategy (we are expert storytellers!)
- Prioritized solutions matrix to support that strategy
- Process maps clearly depicting critical points of risk, gaps, and opportunities
- Redefined KPIs and SLAs
- Complete transparency and a business case to support a smart, logical way forward

Executive Search
Your people are everything! Let us hire your next leader.
Beacon Lane’s search services are reserved for your C-suite, senior manager, and director hiring needs.
We are a trusted advisor to CEOs and their leadership teams, identifying top talent to join and drive their organizations forward. We leverage our world-class sourcing expertise to find senior talent and bring you critical market intelligence.
Beacon Lane is an extension of your team and the long-term reliability that our clients come to count on. We take time to learn your culture and business so that we can continue to place best-fit talent into your organization for years to come.
We specialize in executive search for the C-suite, all roles across HR, business operations, accounting, and finance.